07903 646186

wood hall hotel wedding photography

wood hall hotel wedding photography for Ellie and Jim: first anniversary on the 26th of May this year.

wood hall hotel wedding photography

The wood hall hotel was a superb wedding venue to celebrate getting married at the All Saints church in Sherburn In Elmet, Leeds.

My sincere congratulations go out to Ellie and Jim on their first year of marriage which I know has turned out to be quite eventful.

Ellie has still a wee while yet to go before the birth of their first child…they just couldn’t wait and I’m so pleased for them both.
It really is great to be able to stay in touch with couples who book me for their wedding photography and in this case, it’s hard to miss Ellie as she is part of the Starkey family who are our local butchers. Win win then eh?

Here’s looking forward to many happy years!

Yours as ever,


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I’m looking forward to revisiting wood hall hotel for more wedding photography in the near future.

We welcome all wood hall hotel wedding photography enquires as we feel this is a fantastic wedding venue in the Wetherby area.

Many photos from our wedding photography collection can be found here.  You may also wish to visit our prices page to pick up a bargain, be my guest.

Visit our wedding venue pages here: Hazlewood Castle, Harewood House, Kings Croft Pontefract, Mount Pleasant Doncaster, Old Lodge Malton, Rogerthorpe Manor Pontefract, Rossington Hall Doncaster, Monk Fryston Hall and many more.

Make contact and discuss you wedding photography details here. Come and see what we do.